Cricket World Cup 2007

Team Selection

Team Selection
Contact Me

Before Every round you must select you team. I will not allow teams made up if some games are played. In this case, you will lose the player you selected from the team.

Don't cheat the system.

Once you have registered and selected your 1st team from the home page. I will email you with your User ID.

Can you please uenter your User ID on this page to select future teams.
To make this secure and easy to use, you will need to provide me with you Date of Birth (DOB) and email address.

If one of these is incorrect, I will ignore the entry. Please do not give out any of your details.

If you forget your User ID, please fill the form in on the "Contact Me" section. Thank you.

The below form should only be used to select your team (from Round 2 onwards).

User ID:
DOB (dd-mm-yyyy):
Player IDs: