Cricket World Cup 2007

Team Selection
Contact Me

Welcome to the website. Click on NEWS for the latest results and team selection info. Click on INFORMATION to find out how to play. Click on TEAM SELECTION to choose your next team. Click on SCHEDULE for the next team selection deadlines. Click on DOWNLOADS for the latest PDF files to see the which of you players are the best, the International team player performances and so forth. Finally, click on CONTACT ME to get in touch. Thank You.

Lucky No 17
Lucky No 17
Welcome and thanks for viewing this site.

I'd like to invite you to join myself and others in a Fantasy Cricket game. It's called "Lucky Number 17". If you you are interested in the world cup or cricket then please stay tuned in. If not, you should leave now.
I have setup a fantasy cricket game that will make the world cup more interesting. If you think you are an expert or just want to compete against fellow mates, please join in on the fun of this game.

This is absolutely free and I am doing this in my spare time. There is no prizes is all in the good old game of cricket.

If you have any questions, please go to "contact me" page.

Here are the top 5 users (updated 18/04/07):

1 - 19693
2 - 70198
3 - 13308
4 - 91566
5 - 54059 (gone UP 2 places)

Only user id's are shown

Please fill in the form below to join the game. Thank you.

Full name:
Email address:
DOB (dd-mm-yyyy):
Please can you enter the players you would like in the your team. Using the numbers from the PDF.